Bandon Trails

December 4, 2019

Of all the courses at Bandon Dunes, Bandon Trails gets the widest range of responses from golfers.  Some folks don’t enjoy it as much as its siblings because its routed through a forest instead of against the oceans.  Others say it's the best course on the property and say that they would 100 times out of 100 pick it as their favorite course to play.  One thing is for sure, you can’t knock Trails for a lack of diversity.  

The course starts and ends in the sandy dunes that feel very much like most holes on the broader resort.  What happens between there is actually what makes this course special though.  Once you start to leave the dunes you turn inland and begin a walk through a forest that 100% unforgettable.  Coore and Crenshaw crafted some truly masterful holes on this course.  The holes are chalked full of epic vibes that range from Spyglass to Augusta National.  And in true Crenshaw fashion the greens pack a major punch.  Congratulate yourself for a GIR but get ready to get down and dirty to find the right line on the greens.

There’s plenty of amazing holes and awesome shots!  Here’s a few of my favorites:

Hole 3 - Tee Shot

The first and the second holes are cool but the tee shot on the third hole really sets the tone for the remainder of your round.  When you first lay eyes on it you’ll want to do your best Uncle Jesse impersonation and croon out, “Have mercy…”

Behold the view:

Hole 5 - Par 3, 133 yds

I love short par 3s that make you sweat.  This is a great example of that.  The hole is super short but the great is somewhere north of a circus ride.  I think there’s 15 different tiers!  Okay, that might be an exaggeration but this hole is a ton of fun.

Hole 7 - Fairway Bunkers

The seventh hole is pretty beastly.  You have to hit two good shots for a GIR.  I personally love the way the hole rolls out in front of you.  I mean, my goodness look at those epic fairway bunkers.

Hole 11 - Approach Shot

People may think this is a stupid take but I feel like this is what it would have felt like to play Augusta National when it originally opened.  Its unspeakably beautiful and the towering pines and placid pond almost look like a fake backdrop to encase the hole.

Hole 14 - Par 4, 325 yds

The tee shot gives you more confidence than you really should have here.  The green is perched in the distance and the thought of driving it is generally too intoxicating for visiting golfers not to go for it.  If you’re lucky enough to knock it on, congrats!  If not, expect a tight lie and nothing straight forward to get this up and in for a birdie or much less a par.

Grades (where 1 is significantly below average and 5 is significantly above)

Scenery: 5 stars

Design: 5 stars

Condition: 5 stars

History: 3 star

Practice Facilities: 5 stars

Experience: 5 stars

Click here for a more detailed breakdown of how I think about course ratings.

Closing thoughts: Bandon Trails might be one of the most underrated courses in America. It may be the best course on the property. It may not suit your eye at all and may end up being no fun. The only way you'll find out is if you go and experience it for yourself. Trust me. You won't regret it.

Beau Scroggins

Beau is a highly regarded mid-amateur golfer. Some say he's the best golfer that lives between 45th and 47th Avenues in San Francisco. He has twice made the cut in the San Francisco City Championship and routinely halves matches against his friends. He's played golf on three continents and finally made a hole in one.

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