Look Good, Play Well

May 25, 2018
The 19th Hole

One. Two. Three. Four.  

Get your woman on the floor. 

Gotta gotta get up to get down. 

Gotta gotta get up to…

Wait a second.  What just happened?  I started counting to four to talk about the four essential looks a golfer should own and immediately had a flashback to the 90s with Coolio’s all-time classic Sumpin’ New.  That was odd but refreshing!

Let’s shift our focus back to the task at hand: four classic looks you should master to look your best on the course.

Before I start, allow me to get on my soapbox for a second.  Any time I turn on the TV to watch a PGA event I usually find myself shaking my head because well over half the field looks a little cartoonish (think Jason Duffner’s hats, Bubba Watson’s white pants and white belt, or Phil Mickelson’s business casual shirt).  For a sport that fortunately gives participants the creativity and freedom to express themselves, lots of golfers sadly make the case that our eyes would be better off with a standardized set of threads.

Okay, I’ll remove myself from my soapbox and re-return to the topic at hand.  Here’s the four essential looks that every golfer should own.

White x Navy

This is my equivalent of Tiger’s Red x Black.  Tiger’s Sunday look is classic because he made it classic.  This look is classic because it looks classic (redundant but true).  I recommend accenting with a grey, brown or navy belt.  To mix it up but keep it classy throw in a pin dot shirt.  I have one with small navy and light blue dots that makes me look like I’m ready to hoist the Claret Jug.  As with all of the looks on this page, I personally think that pairing with a white hat and white shoes look the best.

Putts often seem to fall when you're looking like a million bucks

Black x Black

I love this look. Black on black is so classic.  Think Gary Player, the Black Knight.  In my opinion he was a fashion icon in the formative days of golf.  Additionally, if you embrace this look it can add a layer of seriousness and menace to your game.  I like to think about the quote from “Walk The Line” where Johnny Cash, perfectly played by Joaquin Phoenix, is questioned by Vivian Cash about his attire.

Vivian: You can't wear black. It looks like you're going to a funeral.

Johnny: Maybe I am...

Well, Johnny wasn’t going to a funeral that day and technically you won’t be either when you head out to the course wearing this look.  But if you’re in a competitive match, this is a perfect outfit to wear to let your opponents know that it might as well be their funeral.

I promptly attended my opponent's funeral after burying him 5&4

Blue x Bone (Khaki)

Whenever I wear this look I feel like royalty.  Pair this look with a braided belt that matches the exact color of your pants and people will be asking you how the most recent Royal Wedding was (pro tip: just respond by saying the crab cakes were a bit dry and that George Clooney is a lush).   

Disclaimer: You need a nice sunshine filled, dry day as this look can be a bit more delicate than some of the others given the fair complexion of the pants.  

I'm 90% sure this putt didn't go in but I'm 100% sure I looked good

Grey x Camel

The last of our four classic looks is intentionally simple and familiar.  A grey shirt with dark khaki pants screams that you’re one of the people.  But we all know that you’re not.  You’re a fashionable badass that would confidently spot James Bond’s tuxedo wearing ass four strokes a side and then drive off in his Aston Martin (we're not gonna mention what you might do with his girl).  Pair this look with a grey belt that comes close to matching your shirt and top it off with white shoes and a white hat (I know, I’m predictable).

Get in the hole!!!

Can we revisit Coolio for a second?  Why is the voice over that repeats the 1, 2, 3, 4 hook speaking in a British accent?  I bet it was one of John Oliver’s early gigs.

But I digress…

Well I hope you enjoyed this post.  As you can tell from the witty comments that are littered all over this article, I’m not only good looking and well-dressed but I’m pretty damn funny. 

To close, I leave you with the words of another fashion legend.

You should heed this advice even if you don't reside in San Diego
Beau Scroggins

Beau is a highly regarded mid-amateur golfer. Some say he's the best golfer that lives between 45th and 47th Avenues in San Francisco. He has twice made the cut in the San Francisco City Championship and routinely halves matches against his friends. He's played golf on three continents and finally made a hole in one.

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